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August 2022
Vol. 3 No. 7 | ISSN: 2652-5836

Feature article

Nominations now open for 2023 editing awards

Nominate an outstanding editor for our awards

Do you know of a professional editor who deserves recognition for their achievements? Nominations are now open for the Janet Mackenzie Medal and Rosanne Fitzgibbon Award.

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IPEd news

CEO column

CEO’s message

It’s all happening! Nominations are now open for the Mackenzie Medal and Rosie Award. We’re calling for papers for the 2023 IPEd conference. The Accessibility Initiative Working Party has been awarded an important project grant.

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A conceptual graphic showing three people standing on a stack of coins to show salaries differences

Salaries for advertised editing jobs

IPEd’s Pay Rates Working Party maintains a database of publicly advertised editor salaries to track pay rates over time and across editing sectors. An updated version has recently been published on IPEd’s online portal for members to access.

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A laptop and a pile of books in a library

The Residential Editorial Program – a truly rewarding experience

“I’d been dreaming of attending for 10 years – since long before I was remotely qualified to even apply – and it exceeded all my expectations.” Freelance editor Vanessa Lanaway, who was awarded an IPEd scholarship to attend the prestigious 2022 Residential Editorial Program, shares her experience.

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A conceptual photo of a bullseyes to denote success

Wishing our candidates success

Please join the Accreditation Board in wishing all of this year’s accreditation exam candidates a productive pre-exam preparation period.

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Accreditation renewals due in 2021

Preparing yourself for the accreditation exam

If you’re a candidate for the upcoming IPEd Accreditation exam, you’re likely to be doing the usual things to prepare. But there’s another preparation regime that will stand you in good stead for the day. Here are some useful tips to give you a greater chance of success.

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A conceptual graphic of a gap being bridged by a giant hand holding a book

Books without barriers

IPEd’s Accessibility Initiative Working Party has received a Copyright Agency Cultural Fund grant to work on a book publishing guide for editors, writers and publishers that addresses areas not covered by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

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A conceptual graphic of a virtual handshake

Draft “Guidelines for client conduct”

Developed by IPEd’s Pay Rates Working Party, these draft guidelines aim to better inform members and their clients about what constitutes fair and acceptable professional advice and to provide principles for preventing or solving problems in the client–editor relationship.

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A conceptual graphic of a virtual handshake

Editors directory pro tip: accessing your unique URL

Do you have a listing in our “Find an Editor” directory? Would you like to access your unique URL so you can add this link to your signature block, website or LinkedIn profile? Here’s how.

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Image of library

General interest


PDF mark-ups with InDesign

We share a few tips that might be handy for those who work with PDF proofs and Indesign software.

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Event report: “Oops and bloopers” with Amy Schneider

“To be successful, the copyeditor needs to mentally inhabit the author’s world, imagining all kinds of things, such as where the story is located and how it relates to seasons, historical events, positions of the sun and the moon, and time – making sure events happen in the right order and the right places.”

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Event report: “Seduce the writing: the editor as mentor” with Dr Eugen Bacon

“Editing is not just about fixing, it’s about enhancing.” Dr Eugen’s thought-provoking presentation used powerful exemplars in works by Toni Morrison, Ray Bradbury, Anthony Doerr and others to look at eight key principles of engagement that can be applied to fiction and nonfiction.

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Crossword survey

Do you crossword? To enter the draw for a special prize, please answer these questions.

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Why sensitivity readers matter – and should be paid properly

Sensitivity readers have become part of the publishing landscape, as authors and companies recognise that even a well-intentioned writer might get things wrong. This only works when their expertise and insights are taken seriously.

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EdWA: “Fiction in translation” book club

Date: Tuesday 2 August 2022, 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm AWST
Location: online via Zoom
Details: We’re discussing Aladdin: a new translation, translated by Yasmine Seale and edited by Paulo Lemos Horta. One of the world’s most beloved fairy tales, the tale of Aladdin was brought to European audiences by a Syrian storyteller in Paris in 1709 and has endured ever since. However, popular adaptations have often either exoticized the tale or reductively portrayed it as a simple rags-to-riches story for children. This new translation by French-Syrian translator Yasmine Seale recaptures the story’s whimsy and mesmerising rhythm. With our first two book club meetings giving members an idea of the sheer amount of background information that can inform our reading of translated works, in this session we’re encouraging participants to come prepared with their own notes on cultural and historical insights that helped to influence (or change) your reading of the text.
Book: here


EdNSW: EdNSW annual branch meeting

Date: Tuesday 2 August 2022, 7.00 pm AEST
Location: online via Zoom
Details and bookings: open to branch members only; details have been sent via email.


EdWA: Editor and Author in Conversation: Georgia Richter and David Whish-Wilson

Date: Tuesday 23 August 2022, 6.00 pm AWST
Location: online via Zoom
Details: Georgia Richter and David Whish-Wilson discuss the unique editorial process they undertook for David’s latest book The Saw Dust House, which tells the story of Irish-born James “Yankee” Sullivan. In the year 1856, James was being held in a San Francisco jail by the Committee of Vigilance, which aims to rout the Australian criminals from the town. As Sullivan’s mistress seeks his release and as his fellow prisoners are taken away to be hanged, the convict tells a story of triumph and tragedy, of his daring escape from penal servitude in Australia, how he became America’s most celebrated boxer, and how he met the true love of his life.
Book: here


EdNSW: “Defamation law for editors” – speaker presentation

Date: Tuesday 6 September 2022, 7.00 pm AEST
Location: online via Zoom
Details: This presentation will introduce the basics of defamation law, before discussing how editors can manage the risk of defamation litigation. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions about hypothetical situations. The presenter will be Aditya Vasudevan, a solicitor on the Arts Law staff. The presentation will be hosted by Arts Law.
Book: here


EdNSW: “Government departments and editors” – speaker presentation

Date: Tuesday 4 October 2022, 7.00 pm AEDT (Note: Daylight saving starts in NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS and SA on Sunday 2 October 2022).
Location: online via Zoom
Details: A presentation on the editing needs and practices of government departments.
Presenter: David Seale, A/g Assistant Secretary Communication, Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Bookings will be publicised closer to the event.

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