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Since December 2019, the Editors Victoria newsletter and then Gatherings have intermittently posted a cryptic crossword. We setters would like some feedback!

A prize of a personalised cryptic crossword is on offer to one (randomly chosen) respondent to the following questions.

  • Do you solve the Gatherings cryptics? Yes/No
  • If no, is it because you have: No interest/No idea how to start/Other. Please comment as needed.


  • If yes:
    • How often do you partake? Rarely/Often/Always
    • Do you find the crosswords: A challenge/About right/ Too easy?
  • Any other comments on the Gatherings cryptic crosswords:



Send your replies to:

Entries close 31 August 2022. The winner will be notified by email.


Jane Fitzpatrick
Mark Taylor