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From the committee


Changes to your EdANZ committee


Last month we published the names of the new EdANZ committee members. We are grateful for all the hard mahi the previous committee members carried out. They will be a hard act to follow. Those who stood down during this year or at the ABM are:

Caroline Simpson (President)
Susi Bailey (Training Officer)
Anne-Marie Emerson (initially Branch Board Director and latterly Events Coordinator)
Alison Wilson (Outreach Coordinator)
Ryn Yee (Newsletter)
Helen Bradford (Accreditation Board Delegate)
Kimberley Davis (IPEd Board Director)

Local groups in Aotearoa New Zealand might like to organise a catch-up before Christmas, something the committee can certainly help with by writing to members in the different areas.

If you’d like to organise a local meeting, write to Joan Gladwyn at

Hopefully you can shut your red pens in the desk drawer over the Christmas period and enjoy a relaxed, safe and happy break.



Welcome to new members

EdANZ welcomes our newest Professional Member Lawrence Patchett.


Plain Language Act 2022

The Plain Language Act 2022 (2022/54), Rachel Boyack MP’s first bill to pass through the House, received Royal Assent on 21 Oct 2022 and will come into effect six months from that date. It requires government departments to communicate in plain language—language that is “clear, concise, and well-organised”—so their meaning is “clear and accessible to the public” to make them more effective and accountable. You can read the bill here.




We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Traditional Owners, Custodians of Country and First Nations in Australia, and to Māori as tangata whenua and te Tiriti o Waitangi partners in Aotearoa New Zealand.