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From the committee

At our ABM on 17 October 2022, the incumbent EdTas branch committee members were re-elected: Sabine Borgis, Catherine Munro, Alex Sutherland and Sheelagh Wegman. Gordon Campbell, our Director, will continue to attend committee meetings ex officio. No other nominations were received and we had hoped for a greater turnout from our Tasmanian membership. Hence, there is no change in the committee roles and we will share some tasks around depending on individual circumstances. We are hoping for another productive year ahead.

The guest speaker presentation after the ABM by Irish-Tasmanian author Philip Blake, who spoke for about 45 minutes about his latest book, Shit, that was close!, was very engaging and well received. Three interstate IPEd members joined in to listen. 

By the time this newsletter goes online, we will have had our Christmas lunch at Sue Scott’s farm at Tunnack on Saturday 26 November. This is the second time for the Tasmanian Christmas get-together to be held at this venue, having much enjoyed it there last year.