From the president
by Margaret Trudgeon AE (
July was a busy month for Editors Victoria as we finished up the 2022–23 committee term and readied ourselves for our Annual Branch Meeting, held on 20 July. In the weeks leading up to the ABM there was plenty of action behind the scenes as we prepared reports to read out, made sure everyone knew what they were doing, created slides (thank you Bridget!) and brought it all together on the night. The committee members from our 2022–23 team did an excellent job, along with our Electoral Officer, Teresa Pitt, who carried out her electoral duties with aplomb. After the ABM we were treated to a talk by Rev Glenn Loughrey, who gave a very thorough and clear explanation of the Voice.
For our new 2023–24 committee, we’ve grown from a small executive of four to seven members and an almost-full committee, which is brilliant. There is a good mix of experienced and new committee members, and three positions that were empty for a year have now been filled. We also have three subcommittee members to help out with some of the busier executive roles. Thank you to everyone for volunteering their time!
Here is our committee make-up for the year:
President: Margaret Trudgeon
Vice-President: Vacant
Secretary: Bridget Blair
Budget Officer: Jenn Zabinskas
Communications: Bonnee Crawford
Events Officer: Lee Ellwood
Professional Development Officer: Caroline Arnoul
Projects and Outreach Officer: Ann Philpott
Ex Officio
Accreditation Board Rep: Susan Pierotti
EdVic Director, IPEd: Stephanie Holt
Mentoring Coordinator: Vacant
Student Adviser: Cai Bardsley
Inclusion and Access Adviser: Thirangie Jayatilake
Events SC: Jenn Zabinskas
Kylie Howard
Donald Ritchie
Cecile Shanahan
Thank you once more to all our committee members from our 2022–23 team and welcome to our new committee members for 2023–24! It will take a little while to get up to speed for our new members, but there is already planning underway for upcoming PD workshops, a cuppa and a lunch. In mid-August there will be a two-part introductory course on editing ebooks with Sarah Fletcher, followed by two more PD grammar refresher workshops with Linda Nix in mid-September. On 1 September we will be running another “Ask an editor” cuppa for editing students, and there is also some planning afoot for a regional editors lunch (Ballarat region). Stay tuned!
New members
EdVic is pleased to welcome Kylie Riley, a new Associate Member who has joined since our last newsletter.
We look forward to seeing you at our workshops and events and encourage you to make the most of IPEd’s networks for news and support.