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Information to help you prepare for the IPEd accreditation exam.

Guide for candidates

The Guide for candidates contains essential information for candidates sitting the IPEd accreditation exam. The Guide is updated for each exam and whenever information about the exam changes. Candidates are strongly advised to check back regularly for newer versions.

You can download the Guide in accessible PDF and accessible Word formats:

The Guide contains information about:

  • the purpose of the exam, recommended editing experience, and exam content and structure
  • registration – acknowledgement, receipt, photo ID, candidate number, adjustments and other requests
  • editing on-screen
  • exam day (see below for more detail)
  • marking, results and appeals.

The Guide also contains tips from AEs who have passed the exam.

The exam-day information covers:

  • invigilators, critical times and late arrival
  • what to bring, including reference books and bound notes
  • what happens during and at the end of the exam, with information about use of phones and watches, toilet breaks, interruptions, illness, food and drinks.

See the study tips fact sheet for advice on preparing for the accreditation exam.

The IPEd accreditation exam is proudly sponsored by the Macquarie Dictionary and Thesaurus Online

and the Canberra Society of Editors

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