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The Special Interest Group for academic editors seeks expressions of interest (EOIs) from members who would like to be deputy chairs of this group. We are looking for two deputy chairs. This way, the face-to-face meeting every two months can still occur, even if the Chair or one deputy chair is unable to come on one evening. Note that these are informal discussion opportunities where members can bring up issues that they face; there are no set topics or procedures that we follow. It is also an opportunity for some social face-to-face time.

We welcome EOIs from those new to academic editing or those with varying levels of experience in this field. Please send your EOI to by 31 May 2024.

The remaining meeting dates for this year are 12 June, 14 August, 16 October and 11 December. All meetings start at 6 pm AEST. If you will need to miss two or more of these meetings, then it is probably best for you not to apply this year. (If you wish to just come as a participant, please book to receive the link through Memnet IPEd bookings.)