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From the committee

by Camilla Cripps

The Editors NSW committee held its monthly meeting, via Zoom, on Tuesday 14 May 2024, with nine in attendance. With April bringing news of retiring Editors NSW committee members and a small internal reshuffle of roles, we welcomed Camilla Cripps to the role of branch secretary and advertised the news writer role. Having received a great response to the coveted role, the committee resolved to appoint two applicants, and we have welcomed professional editors Carolyn Page AE and Kerry Anderson, to share the position. In similar news, one half of our Zoom assistant job-share position is available again and we would love a keen volunteer to work with new Zoom assistant Jennifer Rowland.

Member networking and events are in full swing for the year. New England editor Julia Petzl-Berney hosted a marvellous brunch at Armidale’s Kinship Cafe, on Saturday 13 April, and Dr Louise Merrington AE hosted Dr Clem Bastow in conversation on “Editing the Autistic voice” on Tuesday 7 May. Thank you, Louise, for this very important event, and thanks also to Marita Smith for her efficient running of the Zoom session. Upcoming branch presentations include Camilla Cripps speaking to “Editing trauma in the Australian context” (June) and Kate O’Donnell on the editor–author trust relationship (August). See the Events page for more information. Both our annual July dinner and Annual Branch Meeting are in the works and information will be emailed to New South Wales members as soon as details are confirmed. The committee extends a warm welcome to our new members and looks forward to meeting student members joining this month while the IPEd Student Members Get More in May offer is on. Do not forget current student members can also benefit by renewing in May. 

Networking event report: Editors’ brunch in Armidale

by Julia Petzl-Berney

Editors in the New England region met on Saturday 13 April 2024 for an editors’ brunch at Kinship Cafe in Armidale. This was the first event in Armidale, and those who attended appreciated the opportunity to meet and network. Another event is being planned for later in the year, and anyone in, or travelling through, northern New South Wales, would be welcome to attend.

Two people sit at a small table. Two more people stand behind them.

Back: Julia Petzl-Berney, Barry McDonald and front: Jen Scanland and Dr Linda Nix AE. Photo courtesy of Julia Petzl-Berney.

Editors New South Wales: Members’ mid-year dinner

Date: Tuesday 2 July 2024
Details: Arrangements for this popular event are being finalised. Members will receive details in coming weeks.

Editors New South Wales: Save the date – 2024 Annual Branch Meeting and presentation

Date: Tuesday 6 August 2024

Details: All branch members are invited to attend the Editors NSW Annual Branch Meeting (ABM). This is an opportunity for you to hear what your committee members have been doing for you over the past year and thank them for all their hard work. We hope you will take the time to come along and support them.

The meeting will be followed by a presentation by Kate O’Donnell: “Kill my darlings: editor and author – a trust relationship”. The presentation will be free to Editors NSW members who attend the ABM. For those who do not, the usual ticket prices will apply. Members will be notified of further details closer to the date.