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IPEd member Emma McEwin joined the South Australian branch earlier this year. Here, Emma shares the way the creative and rewarding process of editing has been an important part of her work in academia and in her own writing. 

I am a writer and a casual academic at the University of Adelaide and at Uni SA. Editing is an important aspect of every role that I undertake, including designing course materials, writing lectures and marking. My broad experience as a teacher and lecturer of both undergraduate and postgraduate students in English literature, creative writing, research skills and English as a second language (ESL) has helped me to develop as an editor.

The type of editing that I have most experience in is theses and journal articles, across all disciplines. At times, I have been employed by departments specifically to edit PhD theses. As a PhD graduate myself, and as a teacher of research skills to postgraduate students, I understand the writing requirements and enjoy helping students to make their theses the best that they can be.

My background is in English literature and creative writing, and editing is also an integral part of my own writing. I find it a creative, rewarding process. My interest in furthering my editorial skills has been inspired by the positive, as well as negative, experiences that I have had working with editors to prepare my own books, articles and essays for publication, as well as by friends who have become freelance editors.

Recently, I obtained a Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing, which has increased my understanding of the legal and ethical aspects of the publishing industry, and of the roles and expectations of editors. Ideally, I would like to gain more experience editing books and papers in life writing, creative works and English literature, as these lie in my direct field of interest.

I’m excited to be a member of the South Australian branch of IPEd, and I am looking forward to meeting people, and expanding my opportunities and knowledge.

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