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From the committee

by Kerry Anderson with Camilla Cripps

The Editors NSW committee met on 11 June 2024 for its monthly meeting via Zoom. Minutes from the last meeting held on 13 May were accepted. Two members sent their apologies.

We gave a warm welcome to our new committee members, Emmanuelle Botte (Zoom assistant), Kerry Anderson (news writer) and Carolyn Page AE (news writer). While navigating their new roles, they have been offered much assistance from IPEd via Nicole Mathers, as well as from the Editors NSW committee via Julie Ganner AE, Paul Anderson, Camilla Cripps, Elisabeth Thomas and Dr Kai Jensen AE. 

As communication is such a key tool for editors and editing committees, our decision to elect two news writers to share the role is a positive move, ensuring that there will always be someone to write the reports for members.

Ruth Power, our networking coordinator, has organised our annual mid-year dinner for New South Wales members. It will be held on Tuesday 2 July at the Searock Grill in Circular Quay, Sydney, on Gadigal Country. Branch President Julie Ganner AE has prizes ready for a great raffle, and Emmanuelle Botte has offered to assist on the night. 

There were 20 items on the agenda, including a discussion on the Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) to be held on Tuesday 6 August 2024. The ABM is a time of reflection for all committee members who now have an opportunity to review their positions and to write up tasks for the future committee. Camilla Cripps, our current branch secretary, is adding the role of membership officer to her portfolio and will write the minutes for the ABM. Paul Anderson will act as returning officer. 

In the meantime, Dr Kai Jensen AE, our presentations coordinator, with Justine Dixon Cooper, IPEd’s NSW-appointed director, will organise an anonymous survey for committee members so we may voice our experiences of being on the committee. The goal is for the survey to serve as an annual quality assurance check. 

The next Editors NSW meeting will be held on 9 July, where we will hear news of the mid-year dinner and finalise the ABM preparations.

The new committee for 2024–25 will hold its first meeting on 13 August 2024.


2024 Editors NSW committee elections and Annual Branch Meeting 

by Julie Ganner AE, Branch President, Editors NSW

It is that time of year again, when we invite you to attend our Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) and consider joining the Editors NSW committee.

Being a member of your branch committee offers a great opportunity to gain useful skills and knowledge that can enhance your career as an editor. It is also a wonderful way to network and meet other IPEd members.

Editors NSW members have been emailed a full list of committee positions, with an outline of what each entails, along with a nomination form. 

All roles are performed remotely, and committee meetings are held online, so you can join us no matter where you are. We hold 11 committee meetings a year, and the term of office is one year.

Financial voting (Professional and Honorary Life) members of Editors NSW can nominate directly for election to the branch committee. 

However, committee members do not necessarily have to be experienced editors. If you are a non-voting (Associate, Student or Corporate) member, we would love to hear from you too. You can be formally invited to join the committee after the election has been held if there are still places available.

While most of the current committee members are nominating for re-election, we are particularly seeking a president, a vice president, and a Sydney-based member to help coordinate the two annual dinners. There may be scope to share positions on the committee, including the office of branch president.

If you are interested in joining us, please complete the form and email it to the returning officer Paul Anderson at by 5 pm on Tuesday 9 July 2024.

The new committee will be announced at the Annual Branch Meeting, which will be held at 6 pm on Tuesday 6 August 2024. All branch members are invited to attend. 

This is an opportunity for you to hear what your committee members have been doing for you over the past year and thank them for all their hard work. We hope you will take the time to come along and support them. 

The meeting will be followed by a presentation (from 7 pm to 8 pm) by Kate O’Donnell with Jessica Dettman: “Kill my darlings: editor and author – a trust relationship”. The presentation will be free to Editors NSW members who attend the ABM. For those who do not, the usual ticket prices will apply.

Bookings for the ABM and presentation will open shortly and close on Sunday 4 August 2024.

Members will be notified of further details closer to the date.