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President’s report

By Deborah Shaw AE

Save the date: the EdANZ annual branch meeting (ABM) will be on Tuesday 1 October at 7pm. The ABM is your chance to hear all about what the committee has been doing over the past 12 months and what we have planned for the next year. We have a great guest speaker lined up, but I can’t say much more just yet. Keep a lookout for the registration invitation and agenda.

For the committee, we’re looking for someone to look after our EdANZ Facebook group. You’ll see that I often share upcoming events, and editing, publishing, and writing-related job vacancies. If you’re keen to be involved with the committee, this is a great role to take on. You can really make it your own. Do get in touch if you’re interested and I can share more details.

My thanks to Ella Fischer for her fantastic account of the PANZ conference published in this month’s Gatherings. The sessions sounded fantastic. AI was a strong thread throughout the sessions, with talks on how AI is (and will) affect publishing, Indigenous knowledge and te re Māori.

Finally, my fingers are crossed for those who sat the accreditation exam earlier in the month. I hope you’ve been able to relax after all your study and practice. Thank you to Liz Beattie AE and Helen Bradford AE for invigilating the Wellington exam!

Until next time,