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By Susan Pierotti AE

I was sitting in an Editors Victoria committee meeting a number of years ago when a cry of desperation was heard: “We need a Victorian rep on the Accreditation Board.” I’d passed the exam a few years beforehand and thought it might be an interesting role, so I put my hand up.

Once a month for the next four years, it was my privilege to meet on Zoom with seven other Accredited Editors (one from each IPEd branch and the ACT) to manage the logistics of the exam process.

One of my biggest takeaways is the amount of care and energy put into delivering the accreditation exam. The Accreditation Board (AB) delegates really care about every candidate who registers! Most of our meeting times have been spent seeking to make the exam as accessible and friendly as possible without compromising IPEd’s standards.

Being on the AB has generated in me enormous respect for the exam process. It has also given my business profile quite a bit of a boost. Working mostly with first-time authors, I’ve found they listen to my advice more because I sit on the board that maintains editing standards by means of an exam.

The Accreditation Board thanks Susan for her four years of valuable service, and welcomes her replacement, Claire McGregor AE.