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President’s report

by Margaret Trudgeon AE

February has been a month of getting back in the groove of Editors Victoria projects for the committee after our long break. We were delighted to see so much interest in our recent speaker event with Debbie Lee on self-publishing. We had close to 100 people register – our most successful event yet! It seems to have been a very popular topic with members, so we are contemplating more events and workshops on this topic in the future. Debbie’s wealth of experience in the publishing arena came to the fore as she explained the rise of self-publishing and some of the processes involved in creating a book outside of the traditional publishing houses. Thanks to Events Officer Kylie and committee members Jenn, Amanda and Donald for helping out on the night. Kylie has written a report on the evening, which you can find here. And if you missed the event but would like to catch up with it, the recording is available through Memnet.

Our committee members are currently busy planning more events and workshops to take place in April and May. These include a speaker event about editing annual reports with Kristalee Ransley on 29 April. We are also hoping to have an inclusion and access speaker event, possibly in March or early April. Keep an eye on our socials for details on these as they come to hand – Editors Victoria has its own Facebook page that you can access where we regularly post updates about upcoming events. We also advertise on LinkedIn and through IPEd’s website.

We’re also planning a lunch for 21 March at Arcadia Cafe (details available soon). If you’ve been busy with work and need a bit of a break to chat with like-minded editors, here’s your chance to escape the office for a couple of hours. If any members out there are keen to organise a lunch or coffee morning in their area, please contact Rachel, our projects and outreach officer (, and she will help you organise something.

Enjoy the sunny weather while it lasts!

Getting to know the Editors Victoria committee: Thirangie Jayatilake, Inclusion and Access Advisor

Above: Thirangie Jayatilake, Inclusion and Access Advisor. Image: Supplied.

Thirangie Jayatilake is a writer and editor based in Naarm. As Editors Victoria’s Inclusion and Access Advisor, Thirangie primarily curates and moderates events and workshops related to research and developments in the diversity, equity and inclusion arena in the publishing industry. She is also a member of the IPEd Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Party. Thirangie is an avid reader who is passionate about enhancing the visibility of the multitude of stories around us and looks forward to developing expertise in the publishing and literary sectors.

With an interest in literature from around the world, she has served as an editor for Postscript Magazine, Antithesis Journal, Grattan Street Press, Revarena Ediciones, Perera Hussein Publishing House and Anoli Perera, amongst others. Thirangie has also worked for corporate communications and literary festivals with her latest role being in teaching at the University of Melbourne. She also writes poetry, fiction and feature articles. Her work can be found at Some of the events she has curated and moderated for Editors Victoria include “Diversity in the Australia publishing industry” with Susannah Bowen and Radhiah Chowdhury, “Publishing industry across Asia” with Dr Pallavi Narayan and a session with Renée Otmar on her book Editing for sensitivity, diversity and inclusion.