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From the committee

By Carolyn Page AE

The Editors NSW committee met via Zoom on Tuesday 11 February 2025, with six in attendance. This was the second meeting for the committee on a bi-monthly schedule, which members agreed to continue. At the same time, a good deal of discussion focused on aspects of committee tasks that might now need to be managed differently, such as the organisation of presentations and events, with more liaison and action between meetings. 

Branch presentations are an important source of professional exchange. The committee felt that “six presentations a year are do-able”, while considering budgetary factors and other IPEd events. Further discussion focused on actions the committee might take to increase attendance levels, including advertising events well ahead of time. 

The departure of a number of former committee members has left some gaps, and the committee is exploring how the roles can be covered. The expertise and energy of Dr Kai Jensen will be much missed – not only for his reorganisation of the committee’s shared drive, but also for his role in managing the branch’s presentations, for his Zoom capability and for “a lot of work in the background” to make the branch function well. As the year is already whizzing by, planning is also underway for the Annual Branch Meeting on 5 August.