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President invites your help

Editors Tasmania held its Annual Branch Meeting via Zoom on 26 August 2020. All members of the 2019–20 branch committee will continue to serve for another year.

Your committee is:

  • Elizabeth Spiegel
  • Liz Charpleix
  • Sheelagh Wegman
  • Alex Sutherland
  • Susan Scott 
  • Sabine Borgis 
  • Melita Eagling

As President, I’d like to thank everyone on the committee for their work. Sheelagh Wegman, who has served on the committee for more than a decade, will step down from her role as Secretary while remaining a committee member. Rowena Austin resigned from her position as IPEd Director this year, and Vicki Nelson will resign from the Accreditation Board after the 2020 exam (to be held in December).

As planning for the conference ramps up, I encourage all members to consider helping us. This could be in an informal capacity, as a committee member or as a branch representative on one of the standing committees. We currently have no-one on the Professional Development, Academic Editing and Awards and Prizes standing committees or the Pay Rates Working Party.

We’re always open to suggestions for professional development or social events — email