Editing on the edges goes online
As was announced in November, Editing on the edges will be delivered entirely online between 28 and 30 June 2021.
The conference committee’s next challenge is to work out exactly what that will mean. Fortunately, we’re far from the first group to deliver a virtual conference, so we have a lot of ideas to work with. What’s more, the past nine months have given us all experience in delivering professional development events online.
Some questions we’ll answer are:
- Will all presentations be recorded and how long will they be available for?
- How can a conference dinner work? (Can a conference dinner work?)
- What sort of networking opportunities can we make available?
- What can we include in a virtual ‘conference satchel’?
If you have submitted a proposal for a workshop or other presentation, I’d like to thank you for your patience; we anticipate publishing a draft program early in the new year.
Elizabeth Spiegel AE
Conference Convenor