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2022 accreditation exam and workshops

Accredited Editors who first gained accreditation in 2012 and who renewed their accreditation in 2017 – you are reminded that your accreditation is due for renewal in 2022. The renewal period is 1 May 2022 to 31 July 2022. Please check your email in April for an invitation to apply for renewal and a link to the application form. 

Now is a good time to enrol in some professional development activities and to check you have records of your professional editing work over the past five years. Make sure your membership of IPEd is also current. The full renewal criteria are listed on the IPEd website’s Renewal Requirements page.  Please contact your Accreditation Board delegate if you have any questions about the requirements or procedure. 


By Dr Linda Nix AE
Chair, IPEd Accreditation Board