Editors enter the profession from a range of disciplines and backgrounds.
Editing courses
Updated March 2016
Editors gain their skills through formal education, experience, on-the-job training, mentoring and other career paths. The principle of lifelong learning and education is taken for granted within the editorial profession. It is essential for the professional development of individuals, and the health and relevance of the profession at large.
Many of the programs that offer education and training in editing are listed on the joint Australian governments‘ myfuture website which can be accessed from this myfuture weblink.
IPEd does not endorse or recommend any of the courses listed on this page.
University programs
A number of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand universities, listed below, offer studies in editing, either on campus or online. Entering “editing” and/or “publishing” in university websites’ search engines should take you to relevant programs.
Undergraduate programs sometimes combine studies in editing and publishing with related disciplines, such as professional writing and journalism. Undergraduate programs are available at the following universities:
Postgraduate programs are available at the following universities which can be accessed on the hyperlinks in the table below:
TAFE programs
Many TAFE campuses in Australia (and some universities in Victoria) provide courses in proofreading, editing and publishing. These include both vocational/award courses and short courses.
Short courses in proofreading and editing are available in New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia. You can study these courses internally (Sydney and Adelaide) or externally (Queensland and South Australia). They cover basic skills.
A one-semester Journalism (Editing for Publication) course is available in Canberra. Delivery is internal.
A Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing is available in Victoria. While this course focuses on writing, it does include editing subjects. You can study internally, online or via flexible/external delivery.
A Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing course is available in Victoria. This course focuses on writing skills, but it does include some editing subjects. You can choose either internal or online delivery.
An Advanced Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing) course is available in Adelaide. While it focuses on writing skills, it includes some editing subjects.
In Aotearoa New Zealand, Whitireia Publishing offers two micro-credentials in Copyediting and Grammar and punctuation.
Award courses offered by private providers
Websites for the following colleges can be accessed from the hyperlinks below.
Australian College, Sydney, NSW
Certificate of Applied Copyediting and Proofreading, Certificate of Editing and Publishing and Certificate of Advanced Editing and Publishing (distance learning or online courses)

Non-award courses and workshops
Websites for the following organisations can be accessed from the hyperlinks below.
Australian Publishers Association (APA)
Face-to-face workshops in editing and proofreading from time to time
Biotext, Canberra, ACT
Face-to-face workshops in science editing and writing
Cadman Editing Services, Bellingen, NSW
Online and face-to-face training in editing, MS Word and reference management software
Nicola O’Shea editing services and training
Structural Editing for Editors: An online course to develop your fiction structural editing skills
Centres for Adult Education
Face-to-face workshops in editing and proofreading from time to time. (Contact the Centre for Adult Education or equivalent in your state or territory for current information.)
Emend Editing, Sydney, NSW
Online and face-to-face courses in professional editing
Workers’ Educational Association (WEA)
Short courses on editing, with some longer, structured programs from time to time. (Contact the WEA in your state or territory for current information.)
Writers’ Centres
Most Australian Writers’ Centres offer workshops in editing. (Contact the Writers’ Centre in your region for current information.)
Australian Writers’ Centre, Sydney, NSW
The centre offers a range of writing and editing courses both face-to-face (in Sydney and Melbourne) and online.