Find a professional editor in your field or genre, or in your language, with our Editors Directory.


To support and recognise the work of Australian and New Zealand editors, IPEd offers several awards to members and students, and is a sponsor of the Beatrice Davis Editorial Fellowship.

The Janet Mackenzie Medal – the Mackenzie

IPEd awards the Mackenzie to an outstanding professional editor who has lifted the standard of the editing profession and/or given exemplary service to IPEd.

The award honours Janet Mackenzie DE (1947–2018). Janet was an Honorary Life Member (and founding member) of Editors Victoria, and served IPEd in many capacities over many years, including being on the first Standards Working Group, 1998–2001, and most recently on the Style Manual 7th Edition Steering Group, from which she resigned only weeks before her death. Janet’s family continue to donate generously to IPEd to support all of our awards.

The award consists of a medal, an electronic rendering of the medal to be used by the recipient and Honorary Life Membership of IPEd (if the recipient is not already an HLM).

Award selection is based on a written nominator statement from an IPEd member, three written referee letters of support and the nominee’s three-page CV.

Only IPEd Professional Members and AE Members are eligible for this award. Current members of the IPEd Board, IPEd employees, award judges and administrators of the award are not eligible for nomination. Members of the Standing Committee of Awards and Prizes (SCAP) and the IPEd Board can be eligible for this award if they resign from the committee or board before nominations open.

Contact with any questions.



For more information on eligibility and how to nominate, refer to the guidelines in the 2025 nomination instructions:

Contact the IPEd at with any questions.

For tips on how to make the most of your Mackenzie application, view Tips for your Mackenzie application [DOCX 32 KB].

Nominations close 5 pm Monday 4 November 2024.


Key dates

Nominations open: 2 September 2024

Notice of intent deadline: 14 October 2024

Nominations close: 4 November 2024

Winner announced: April – May 2025



There was no winner awarded in 2024.


2023 Mackenzie

The 2023 winner, Kerry Davies AE, was announced in May 2023. Watch the video of her acceptance speech.


2022 Mackenzie

The 2022 winner, Dr Renée Otmar AE, was announced in May 2022. Watch the video of her acceptance speech.


2021 Mackenzie

The 2021 winner, Edwin (Ted) Briggs AE, was announced in May 2021. Watch the video of his acceptance speech.


2020 Mackenzie

The 2020 winner, Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE, was announced in April 2020 and presented with the award in August 2020. Watch the video of her acceptance speech.

The Janet Mackenzie Medal is supported by the Copyright Agency.

The Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award (the Rosie)

The Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award (the Rosie) recognises excellence in editing, as demonstrated in one published work, with testimony from the work’s author, publisher and editor. Nominations for the award can come from any of these parties. 

The award honours the memory of Rosanne Fitzgibbon DE (1947–2012) – a distinguished editor of literary fiction, nonfiction and scholarly work in literary studies.

The Rosie is awarded biennially in May (to coincide with the IPEd Editors Conference), for work published in the previous two years. The winner receives a cash prize of $4000.

IPEd encourages both freelance and in-house editors, publishers and authors to consider projects that could be eligible for this award.

Nominations for the 2025 Rosie will be accepted from 1 August to 21 October 2024.



The work in the nomination must have been published within the period 22 October 2022 to 21 October 2024. Examples of eligible works include: a book, a series of books (with a single editor), a monograph series. 

An editor may be nominated for more than one project in a given year and may be nominated in multiple years, provided the nominations are for different editorial relationships.

The nomination may be a published work of fiction or nonfiction in any genre or another substantial body of published work.




  1. Read the Nomination Guidelines.
  2. Download a copy of the Nomination Form and complete the details and checklist. 
  3. Email the completed form and the attachments to Nicole Mathers at
  4. Send three copies of the nominated work as instructed in the Nomination Guidelines.

Key dates

Nominations open:     1 August 2024

Nominations close:     21 October 2024

Shortlist announced:  March 2025

Winner announced:    2025 (as part of the 12th IPEd Conference)



Please contact Nicole Mathers at if you have any questions about the award.


2025 Rosie

Nominations for the 2025 Rosie will be accepted from 1 August to 21 October 2024.


2023 Rosie

Read about the winning entry of the 2023 Rosie (for work published 2021–2022).


2021 Rosie

Read about the winning entry of the 2021 Rosie (for work published 2019–2020).


2019 Rosie

Read about the winning entry of the 2019 Rosie (for work published 2017–2018).


2017 Rosie

Read about the winning entry of the 2017 Rosie (for work published 2015–2016).

The Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award (the Rosie) is supported by the Copyright Agency.

IPEd Student Prize

The IPEd Student Prize acknowledges excellent work by a student of editing. The prize is open to any tertiary-level student enrolled in an editing or publishing program at a New Zealand or Australian tertiary institution, including students who finish their studies at the end of the first semester of the year in which they are applying. The prize is awarded annually for a piece of work submitted as part of the requirements for a tertiary-level qualification in editing, publishing or another discipline with a focus on editing.

The prize is awarded in March each year, for work submitted for assessment in the previous year.

The prize consists of:

  • $500, payable via EFT in Australian dollars
  • one year’s free IPEd membership (either associate or student) 
  • one dictionary of your choice from the IPEd list provided (either a one-year subscription or a printed copy)
  • one style guide/manual (either a one-year subscription or a printed copy) or book of your choice from IPEd’s selected offerings
  • one copy of The Editor’s Companion, by Janet Mackenzie DE.
  • a two-day online course from Biotext, “Writing and editing complex content”, valued at $594.

Entry is open for work completed as part of the student’s course that demonstrates editing skills or work that reflects on issues relevant to the editing profession. Entries could include:

  • edited manuscripts (structural or copy edits) for any type of publication (such as book chapters, articles, trade publications, blogs, websites or reports)
  • editing portfolios (such as a collection of shorter edited pieces)
  • publishers’ reports or manuscript assessments
  • academic essays and research papers focused on issues relevant to the editing profession 
  • blog post or article for newspaper/trade publication/website, focused on issues relevant to the editing profession.


The 2025 IPEd Student Prize is for work submitted for assessment in 2024.

The prize is open to individual students and teams if the work is the result of a collaborative team effort. Teams will need to decide on one team leader to administer team entries.

Submissions must represent the student’s (or team’s) original work. Examples of edited work should clearly show the original work and the proposed edits.

Student (or team) entries must have sought and received permissions for all copyright material. One submission per student or team is allowed.


How to enter

Please prepare and collate the following materials:

  • the completed entry form
  • your student project (up to 3,500 words); please submit an unmarked version of the project, without assessor’s feedback
  • the assessment instructions and grading criteria
  • any relevant supporting material (which could include URLs or EPUB files).

From there, please follow the following steps.

  1. Create a PDF file that includes all of the above material.
  2. Name your file using this convention: your initials and surname_IPEd Student Prize_2025
  3. Email your entry to by 5 pm AEST / 7 pm NZST (6 pm AEDT / 8 pm NZDT) Monday, 11 November 2024.

Key dates

Entries open: 9 September 2024

EOI in judging: during October 2024

Entries close: 11 November 2024

Winners announced: First quarter of 2025


For further information

For more information, please check out our IPEd Student Award guidelines:

If you have any questions, please contact Ann Philpott, Chair, Standing Committee on Awards and Prizes,

Biotext was established in 1997 and has become a leader in communicating technical and complex information. Their expert team works with national and international clients to create high-quality content and develop strategies for successful communication. Biotext runs established and tailored courses to meet the needs of editors, writers and organisations.

Biotext developed the Biotext content manual, a complete guide to planning and creating clear communication. They have also developed A quick guide to effective content to help people design and run content projects and create effective content, and A quick guide to effective data visualisation and infographics to help people engage with their audiences and present data clearly and accurately. Discover more about Biotext at

The IPEd Student Prize is supported by the Copyright Agency.

Beatrice Davis Editorial Fellowship

The Beatrice Davis Editorial Fellowship recognises and rewards the contribution of book editors to Australian writing and publishing. Applicants should have at least five years’ editorial work experience in quality Australian fiction and non-fiction, in either adult or children’s publishing.

Named in honour of one of Australia’s finest literary editors, Beatrice Davis, this prestigious fellowship allows an editor to spend 12 weeks in the editorial department of a United States publishing house or houses.

It is sponsored by the Literature Fund of the Australia Council, the Australian Publishers Association, IPEd and the Australian publishing industry.

Barbara Ramsden Award

The Barbara Ramsden Award is sponsored by the Fellowship of Australian Writers as part of the National Literary Awards. It is a major literary award for a book of quality writing in any field of literature, and it recognises the contributions by both author and editor in producing the final product.

The award, named after esteemed Melbourne editor Barbara Ramsden, started in 1971 and ran until 1992. It was revived in 2006 with the support of the Society of Editors (Victoria) Inc.

The award supplies two specially cast bronze plaques designed by renowned sculptor and medallionist, Michael Meszaros, which are presented to the author and the publisher’s editor to recognise the combined effort of both parties to achieve the final result. The design is of the origin of art, showing the creator at work, and a figure representing the forces that ensure its effective communication.