The core principles and values by which members of IPEd will conduct
Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics presents the principles of the Institute of Professional Editors Limited (IPEd). It is to be read in conjunction with IPEd standards for editing practice (3rd edition), which lays out the core professional standards that editors who are members of IPEd are expected to meet.
The purpose of IPEd is specified in section 6 of its Constitution. It is a requirement of members of IPEd that they comply with this Code of Ethics, as specified in section 7 of IPEd’s Constitution.
Aim of the Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics sets out the core principles and values by which members of IPEd will conduct themselves in the course of their work. It provides members with broad guidelines to help them deal with ethical issues that arise during their professional editing practice.

Statement of values
In their professional work, members of IPEd will conduct themselves with:
- integrity
- professionalism and competence
- respect for confidentiality
- respect for conflicts of interest
- respect for IPEd, its principles and its members.
Members of IPEd will:
- conduct all work with honesty, integrity and objectivity, and in good faith
- accurately represent their qualifications, training and experience.
Professionalism and competence
Members of IPEd will:
- comply with IPEd’s Constitution and this Code of Ethics
- perform work in accordance with the principles and practices of the Australian Consumer Law and any other applicable federal, state and territory legislation
- communicate respectfully with clients, editorial colleagues and other members of IPEd
- maintain a working knowledge of the Australian standards for editing practice and adhere to those standards
- maintain and update their skills through ongoing professional development.
Respect for confidentiality
Members of IPEd will:
- maintain and respect client confidentiality
- not disclose information acquired during the course of professional work except when authorised to do so.
Respect for conflicts of interest
Members of IPEd will:
- openly declare potential conflicts of interest, and undertake work only where conflicts of interest will not actually or potentially threaten the integrity of their work.
Respect for IPEd, its principles and its members
Members of IPEd will:
- uphold the reputation of IPEd, and maintain a supportive public attitude towards IPEd and the editing industry in general
- not make statements claiming to represent the views of IPEd without IPEd’s consent.
Breach of the Code of Ethics
Members found to be in breach of the Code of Ethics may be subject to disciplinary measures as set out in section 8 of IPEd’s Constitution.