Information on the renewal of accreditation.
Renewal of accreditation
Accredited Editors (AE) must renew their accreditation every 5 years to maintain their accreditation status. To renew their accreditation, AEs must meet criteria set out on the Renewal requirements page.
To date, most AEs’ applications to renew their accreditation have been approved. Some AEs have chosen not to renew because they have retired or left the profession.
For details of the renewal application and assessment procedure, see the Renewal procedure page.
General information about accreditation renewal is set out below under the following headings:
Accreditation renewal schedule
Each term of accreditation lasts 5 years and each cohort of AEs has a different renewal schedule, according to when they passed the accreditation exam. The next 4 renewal years for each cohort are shown below (the current renewal year is in italics).
- 2008 cohort: 2028, 2033, 2038, 2043
- 2009 cohort: 2024, 2029, 2034, 2039
- 2011 cohort: 2026, 2031, 2036, 2041
- 2012 cohort: 2027, 2032, 2037, 2042
- 2014 cohort: 2024, 2029, 2034, 2039
- 2016 cohort: 2026, 2031, 2036, 2041
- 2018 cohort: 2028, 2033, 2038, 2043
- 2021 cohort: 2026, 2031, 2036, 2041
- 2022 cohort: 2027, 2032, 2037, 2042
Missed or unsuccessful renewal
An AE who doesn’t apply to renew their accreditation when it is due, or whose application to renew their accreditation is unsuccessful, may apply for reaccreditation the following calendar year. If their application is approved, their accreditation will last until their own cohort’s next renewal date.
For example, an AE due to renew in 2024 may apply in 2025 instead. If their application is approved, their accreditation will last for 4 years, until 2029, instead of 5 years.
An AE who doesn’t apply to renew their accreditation for 2 consecutive years, or whose applications are unsuccessful for 2 consecutive years, must resit and pass the accreditation exam if they wish to regain their accredited status.

Non-renewing editors
AEs who choose not to renew their accreditation, or whose application to renew is unsuccessful, can no longer describe themselves as IPEd Accredited Editors. They must remove all reference to their AE status from their profiles and marketing materials (e.g. websites and business cards). IPEd will remove their names from the list of current AEs and, if they are listed in the IPEd Editors Directory, will remove their AE status in the database.