Renewal of accreditation assures clients and employers that accredited editors have maintained the requisite level of skills and knowledge.
Renewal requirements
Renewal of accreditation is a process that assures clients and employers that accredited editors (AEs) have maintained the requisite level of skills and knowledge as outlined in the IPEd standards for editing practice.
For AEs: requirements for maintaining your accreditation
When your accreditation is due to expire (5 years from the year in which you passed the accreditation exam or last renewed your accreditation), you must apply to the Accreditation Board (AB) to renew your accreditation. You must be a financial member of IPEd or an approved affiliate organisation (e.g. Canberra Society of Editors, CIEP, Editors Canada) and demonstrate that, since gaining or last renewing your accreditation, you have:
- been actively involved in the editing profession, and
- undertaken relevant professional development activities to maintain and extend your editing skills.
The AB has prepared this simple Reaccreditation project and PD log [Excel file 15KB] for you to record your editing projects and PD involvement in one document. Each tab of the spreadsheet corresponds to a section of the online accreditation renewal application form.
Further information about the renewal requirements is set out below under the following headings:
- Staying actively involved in the editing profession
- Undertaking professional development activities
- Making an alternative case for renewal
- Preparing for renewal
Staying actively involved in the editing profession
You will meet this requirement if you have worked as a professional editor, or in a role that requires professional editing skills, in the previous 5 years. In your renewal application, you will be asked to provide:
- details about your employment as an editor or your freelance editing business (or both) over the previous 5 years
- examples of 5 editing projects in which you’ve been involved over the previous 5 years, and your role in each project.
If your circumstances do not allow you to demonstrate these requirements, you can present an alternative case. For example, if you are an editor working in government who is unable by law to share details about your role or your projects, you can provide a statement from your manager about your editing work.
Undertaking professional development activities
You will meet this requirement if you can demonstrate you have undertaken at least one professional development activity in at least 3 of the following areas in the previous 5 years:
- university or TAFE courses relevant to editing
- IPEd workshops, seminars, speaker presentations or other training sessions (excluding conferences)
- other professional society or organisation training
- mentoring of other editors
- conferences relevant to editing
- contributions to relevant professional organisations
- other relevant activities, such as reading professional materials or participating in professional networks.
For example, you will meet this requirement if you have attended one webinar on an editing-related topic, participated in a mentorship and volunteered on your IPEd branch committee, as long as those 3 activities occurred during the 5 years since your accreditation was granted or last renewed.
Activities that you have undertaken during a previous renewal period do not count towards the next renewal application. For example, if you were accredited in 2014 and your accreditation was renewed in August 2019, you cannot include attending the May 2019 IPEd conference in your 2024 application to renew your accreditation.

Making an alternative case for renewal
If the requirements to renew accreditation don’t apply to your individual circumstances, you can make an alternative case. You must still demonstrate you are actively involved in the editing profession. An example might be a senior editor taking time out from practical editing work to research and write a book related to editing.
Preparing for renewal
From the time you are first accredited, you should maintain your professional editing skills through editing work and professional development in more than one area.
You should also keep records of:
- key editing projects you work on, including contact details for your managers or clients, and
- professional development activities you undertake.
These records should include relevant evidence to support your claims. Examples of suitable evidence include statements from employers/clients, emails, receipts, invoices, testimonials, academic records/transcripts, conference papers, lists of delegates, meeting minutes and screenshots showing participation in online forums.
Download the Reaccreditation project and PD log [Excel file 15KB] and use it to record your editing projects and PD involvement in one document.