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April 2022
Vol. 3 No. 3 | ISSN: 2652-5836

Feature article

Editor Jacqueline Blanchard at her desk

Deep dive with editor Jacqueline Blanchard: on structural editing

“For me, the editorial process is like having a long conversation with someone. A conversation that starts with the first read and ends when the book is sent to print.” We interview award-winning editor Jacqueline Blanchard.

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Student working on floor in library with laptop and books.

IPEd news

CEO column

CEO’s message

In this month’s Gatherings, we look at the art of structural editing, World Book and Copyright Day, and the latest in IPEd and Brisbane Writer Festival’s Author/Editor video series. As a bonus, IPEd members are being offered access to a special reduced price for the Author/Editor video series.

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Accreditation renewals due in 2021

Focus on exam prep

Candidates sitting the IPEd accreditation exam in 2022 need to know about the vast array of resources that will help them prepare. Here’s a quick overview.

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Accessibility Initiative Working Party

An update from the Accessibility Initiative Working Party

The Accessibility Initiative Working Party has drafted two surveys for readers with print disability, and this information will be used to develop a free guide for editors, writers and publishers.

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Photo of a graduation cap, books, globe and laptop

IPEd calls for better recognition of editors in the classification of occupation standards in Australia and New Zealand

IPEd has made a submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ consultation on the review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), calling for better recognition of the diversity of editors.

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GenreCon 2022 logo

IPEd appears at GenreCon

On Sunday 20 February, Kerry Davies AE, Sally Asnicar, and Jess Gately appeared at GenreCon, a premier fiction writers conference for the Queensland Writers Centre, to talk about what writers need to know about what editors do.

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Quality control image of woodblocks with tick symbols being placed down

Update on the Standards revision

The IPEd Standards Working Party is well into the process of reviewing the Standards. At this stage, we are having in-depth discussions about the nuance in language to ensure that the tone of the document is accurate and appropriate.

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Image of library

General interest

Event report: “What’s in a world? World-building in fiction”

World-building in the speculative fiction genre is more important than just a background or a setting for a story. As editors, we need to understand how these worlds are made and used if we are to help authors portray and gradually reveal their worlds without sloppy info-dumping or half-explored ideas.

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IPEd quiz – test your knowledge!

IPEd’s March staff and volunteers communications catch up once again concluded with a quick quiz. Congratulations to Jane Fitzpatrick and Jess Gately who topped the quiz with four correct answers.

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Resources for editing: my everyday favourites 

Most editors have resources they find useful on a daily basis and others they reach for from time to time when a specific need arises. I have a long list of trusted favourites, but a couple are always particularly helpful.

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Event report: Adelaide Writers’ Week breakfast

As writers’ week dawned in Adelaide, eight members of Editors SA gathered for breakfast beside the River Torrens at Lounders Boatshed Café.

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EdWA: Fiction in translation book club – Season of migration to the north

Date: Tuesday 5 April 2022, 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm AWST

Location: online via Zoom

Book: here

EdSA: Three steps to finding your next client – hosted by Malina Devadas 

Date: Tuesday 5 April 2022, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm AEDT

Location: online via Zoom

Book: here.



EdsQ: Crafting Raw Memoirs – speaker presentation with Jackie Ferro

Date: Wednesday 6 April 2022, 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm AEDT

Location: online via Zoom

Book here.


EdVic: Is accreditation right for me? Zoom cuppa

Date: Friday 8 April 2022, 11:00 am AEST

Location: online via Zoom

Book: here.


Meet our members – Helen Bradford – branch meeting (open to Editors ANZ members only)

Date: 12 April 2022, 7.30pm NZST
Location: online via Zoom
Details: Helen Bradford AE is a freelance writer, editor and coach. Originally from the UK, she lived in Africa and Asia when she was working for international development agencies, and settled in Wellington in 2010. She draws on her public-sector and NGO background in her writing, editing and coaching work, which is aimed at government departments, NGOs and international development agencies. Helen runs her own business, Capire, and is the Editors Aotearoa New Zealand representative on the IPEd Accreditation Board. This is the first in a series of Editors Aotearoa New Zealand branch events aimed at introducing our members so that we can get to know one another better. As well as running Capire, Helen Bradford enjoys endurance sports. She has competed for New Zealand in triathlon and Ironman races, run ultramarathons and taken part in gruelling multi-day cycling adventures – all for fun! Come along to this event to hear about Helen’s work and adventures, and find out how she has developed a work-life balance that enables her to make a living from editing while training and competing in endurance sport.

Cost: Free but please book in the link provided in your email
Bookings close: 10 April 2022




EdWA: BookTube and the Publishing Industry with Kirsty Horton

Date: Thursday 14 April 2022, 6.00 pm to 7.00pm AWST

Location: online via Zoom

Book: here.

EdVic: Oops! Finding and fixing bloopers in fiction – speaker meeting with Amy J Schneider 

Date: Thursday 28 April 2022, 12:00 pm AEST

Location: online via Zoom

Book: here


EdNSW: The heart of editing a romance – speaker presentation

Date: Tuesday 3 May 2022, 7.00 pm AEST

Location: online via Zoom

Book: here.

EdVic: Grammar in a nutshell – workshop

Dates: 1.00 to 4.00 pm AEST for all sessions, Friday 6 May and Friday 13 May 2022 (series 1); Friday 24 June and Friday 1 July 2022 (series 2 – repeat)

Location: online via Zoom




EdWA: Tax for Freelancers with Bob Poolman

Date: Thursday 19 May 2022, 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm AWST

Location: online via Zoom

Book: here

EdVic: Indexing – adding to the editor’s skillset with Max McMaster

Dates: Tuesday 24 May 2022, 1.00 to 4.00 pm AEST and Thursday 26 May 2022, 1.00 to 3.30 pm AEST

Location: online via Zoom

Book: This course will open for booking by mid-April – please watch your emails

We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Traditional Owners, Custodians of Country and First Nations in Australia, and to Māori as tangata whenua and te Tiriti o Waitangi partners in Aotearoa New Zealand.