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From the president

Conference dinners

The Sunshine Coast sub-branch of Editors Queensland is planning a dinner on the Friday night during the IPEd Conference (5 May) instead of their usual June lunch. They will go over some of the main topics from the conference, and those who attended workshops will report back to the group. For full details, please contact Lisa Hill.

If you are in or around Brisbane, make sure you join us for an EdsQ conference dinner there, to be held as one of the rolling dinners being held in different time zones in the various branches. There, too, conference attendees will share their learnings from workshops and conference sessions. If you are not attending the IPEd Conference, you are still very welcome to come to the dinner.

Small administrative role in EdsQ speaker events

Editors Queensland holds an online event with a speaker roughly every two months. We are looking for someone to assist the Events coordinator, Meaghan Sexton-Dhamu, with some minor administrative tasks leading up to each such event. This is not a large role, and we are looking for someone with basic knowledge of Excel. Can you help? You would be part of a very friendly team.

EdsQ Professional Development representative

We are still seeking someone from Editors Queensland to represent EdsQ on IPEd’s Standing Committee on Professional Development (SCPD). Is this you? You would learn a lot in the exchange of ideas and no doubt make your own contribution. You would convey information and ideas back to EdsQ and vice versa. You would assist with the organisation of PD events – in particular, those implemented by Editors Queensland on behalf of IPEd.

You do not have to be in Brisbane, because all meetings are held online.

This is a great opportunity to develop new skills, add to your experience and network with other professionals. You do not have to be an expert in all areas of editing to fill this role! We look forward to hearing from you.

For expressions of interest, please contact Glenine.