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Chair and member update

The Standing Committee on Academic Editing (SCAE) has announced a new Chair, Emily Finlay AE (Vic), and a new member, Gaye Wilson (NSW), joining long-term SCAE members Charlotte Cottier AE (Qld), Rhonda Daniels AE (NSW), Anne Hamilton Bruce (SA) and Justine McNamara AE (ACT).

The SCAE is working on a number of projects intended to benefit academic editors. We welcome ideas about how the committee might further assist academic editors, or the profession. Please contact Emily on New members are also always welcome, so please do get in touch if you feel you could contribute to the committee.

Have you visited our Resources for Academic Editors on Memnet? This is a great source of information on academic editing practice, including quotes and agreements for thesis editing, plagiarism, referencing, verb tenses in academic writing and more.


Presentation recording: “Academic Editing from a Freelance Copyeditor’s Perspective”

For those who missed Charlotte Cottier’s presentation in February 2023, “Academic editing from a freelance copyeditor’s perspective”, it is now available here to purchase AND VIEW until 5.00 pm Monday 24 April 2023.

Academic editing is an important area of work for IPEd members, as shown by the number of self-employed editors in IPEd’s online directory who have chosen ‘academic thesis or journal article’ as a product or medium they edit and by member surveys of the most common types of works edited. Academic editing can involve editing material ranging from research proposals, conference papers and journal articles to books and book chapters, grant and ethics applications, and student assignments or theses. In this presentation, experienced editor Charlotte Cottier will discuss academic editing from her perspective as a freelance copyeditor and long-term member of IPEd’s Standing Committee on Academic Editing: what academic editing involves, the Guidelines for editing research theses, current trends and challenges, the joys and rewards of academic editing, resources available for academic editors, and how a new editor might get into this field.