April 2024
Vol. 5 No. 3 | ISSN: 2652-5836
Our feature story this month delves into legal deposit, exploring what editors need to know about legal deposit requirements in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. With publishing becoming more decentralised, the role of editors becomes ever more important.
We are delighted to report that the third edition of the IPEd standards for editing practice (the Standards) was successfully launched on 21 March. The Standards is available to download from the website in several formats so you can choose the format that suits you best.
We’ll have more to share about the Standards in the coming months, but in this issue we are pleased to share the speech given by Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex OAM at the launch.
This issue also has several announcements and opportunities:
- IPEd has released a statement about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) on editors and the editing profession.
- The IPEd Board has a vacancy for the role of Company Secretary. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of IPEd and, in turn, the profession of editing. We are seeking candidates with experience and qualifications in corporate governance and related areas.
- IPEd is seeking to convene two working parties: on AI and on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Read more on these announcements and opportunities below.
This month, we spoke with Despina Cook, the winner of the 2024 Student Prize to discuss her entry, her current studies and career goals and her response to winning the award.
Also this month we have:
- a story from the Accreditation Board on exam invigilation
- an update on indicative costs of academic editing.
Plus we have several event reports and some fantastic resources.
Are you following IPEd’s social accounts?
Find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X/Twitter. And don’t forget to tag us when sharing your events or news. We’re always keen to see what our members are up to and delighted to share your successes!
Editors South Australia Virtual Book Club
Date: Monday 8 April 2024
- Whether you are a fan of fiction or a nonfiction devotee, prefer poetry or prose, or can’t get enough of a good play script, come along and let us know what you’re into right now – and top up your reading list for the months ahead …
Editors Victoria coffee catch-up in Oakleigh
Date: Friday 12 April 2024
- What Melbournian does not enjoy a good brew, and how much better to share the time with fellow editors in your local area to network and talk editor stuff?
Editors NSW networking brunch in Armidale
Date: Saturday 13 April 2024
- Join Editors NSW for a networking event. Catch up with your fellow editors over brunch for coffee and conversation.
Copyediting skills – accreditation level: copyediting refresher, style sheets, author queries
Date: Sunday 14 April 2024
- This day-long workshop covers the difference between a substantive edit, a copyedit and a proofread; editorial style sheets; an introduction to copyediting; and effective communication with clients. The workshop is interactive and hands-on, with workbooks provided to lead you through the ideas and give you sample texts to work on. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion. Come prepared to do lots of editing practice and improve your copyediting skills.
Special Interest Group for academic editors
Date: Wednesday 17 April 2024
- Do you work as an academic editor? Are you interested in branching out into the field? We would love you to join us to meet like-minded colleagues, discuss your experiences in the field and ask curly questions.
Preparing for the 2024 accreditation exam: online workshops series 2
Date: Wednesday 1, 8 and 15 May 2024
- This series of three 2-hour online workshops is designed for people intending to sit the IPEd accreditation exam. It follows IPEd’s standardised syllabus for exam preparation.
Editing for the Autistic voice
Date: Tuesday 7 May 2024
- Join this in-conversation event with cultural critic, Autistic advocate and screenwriting researcher Clem Bastow and Autistic editor Louise Merrington. They will discuss editing the Autistic voice – what it is, their own experiences of being edited as Autistic writers, and how editors can work with neurodivergent clients in ways that maintain the authenticity of their voices.
Copyediting skills – accreditation level: copyediting refresher, style sheets, author queries
Date: Sunday 19 May 2024
- This day-long workshop covers the difference between a substantive edit, a copyedit and a proofread; editorial style sheets; an introduction to copyediting; and effective communication with clients. The workshop is interactive and hands-on, with workbooks provided to lead you through the ideas and give you sample texts to work on. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion. Come prepared to do lots of editing practice and improve your copyediting skills.
Pervasive and problematic: editing trauma in the Australian context
Date: Tuesday 4 June 2024
- In this presentation, Camilla Cripps will describe some of the potential adverse consequences of trauma exposure in editing professionals. The session will look at how principles of trauma-informed practice can help editors to safely and responsibly address, and actively pre-empt, the adverse consequences of working with traumatic narratives and traumatised authors, and through their own trauma histories.
2024 IPEd accreditation exam
Date: Monday 12 August 2024
- Thinking of taking the accreditation exam this year? Check out all our online resources including sample exam documents and the Guide for candidates and register for the earlybird rate.

Editors play a key role in the publishing pipeline. But as more and more people self-publish and engage editors outside of mainstream publishers, there’s a particular part of the industry that editors need to be aware of: legal deposit.
In simple terms, legal deposit is the requirement for publications to be deposited with a library for preservation.
IPEd spoke with the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa and the National Library Australia to learn more about what legal deposit is. Here’s why editors need to be aware of legal deposit requirements and how editors can support their clients to navigate legal deposit.

The third edition of IPEd standards for editing practice was launched on Thursday 21 March. IPEd’s patron, Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex OAM, delivered the following speech at the launch.

University of Queensland student Despina Cook won the 2024 IPEd Student Prize. Here she shares her reaction to the news, her pathway to editing and her plans for what’s next.

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) using large language models (LLM) technologies is becoming of increasing concern to publishing industries around the world.

The Institute of Professional Editors Ltd (IPEd) seeks to appoint a Company Secretary to manage IPEd’s statutory duties and responsibilities. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of IPEd and, in turn, the profession of editing.

The Institute of Professional Editors Ltd (IPEd) seeks to convene a working party on AI (artificial intelligence, including large language models) and its impact on the editing profession, and on the skills and knowledge required of editors.

The Institute of Professional Editors Ltd (IPEd) seeks to convene a working party on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The working party will provide the Board and IPEd staff with greater insights into and awareness of relevant issues around DEI, including issues of disability and accessibility.
Working with the Board and the CEO, the working party will develop and deliver select strategies, programs and initiatives on behalf of IPEd, collaborating with other committees and working parties as appropriate to improve diversity and accessibility within the organisation and the services it provides its members.

If you’re an Accredited Editor (AE), you probably remember the stress and workload leading up to, and including, the accreditation exam. What you may not remember is how the exam was run and who invigilated it, making it a seamless experience for all.

IPEd’s Standing Committee on Academic Editing (SCAE) has updated its guidance, first released in June 2021, on the indicative costs of academic editing for potential clients.

IPEd members Charlotte Cottier AE and Dr Rhonda Daniels AE have co-authored chapters in the new book Proofreading and editing in student and research publication contexts, edited by Professor Nigel Harwood of the University of Sheffield.
Charlotte and Rhonda have been members of IPEd’s Standing Committee on Academic Editing since 2017, and the chapters reflect their personal views.
This book explores proofreading and editing from various research and practitioner-led perspectives to describe, debate and interrogate roles and policies within the student and research publication context.
The co-authored chapters are:
Chapter 4. “Please can you proofread my thesis?” Exploring initial student enquiries for thesis editing in Australia by Charlotte Cottier and Rhonda Daniels
Chapter 8. Providing guidance to professional editors on editing theses: The Australian experience by Rhonda Daniels and Charlotte Cottier
The book was released on 19 March 2024. Information about the volume is available on the Routledge website.
There is also an ebook available at a reduced price. IPEd members can access a 20% discount.

Negotiating higher rates for creative freelancers: unlock your worth
Asking for more money can be a daunting prospect for many, but this simple guide from ArtsHub provides simple steps to help you navigate money chats and negotiate for better rates.
The Australian publishing industry’s Rising Star award
Nominations are open for the Australian publishing industry’s Rising Star award, which recognises and celebrates emerging talent – whether in trade, educational or scholarly publishing.
Submit nominations by Wednesday 24 April.
Previous winners include editors, book designers and marketing professionals, with Pantera Press commissioning editor Tom Langshaw the 2023 winner. You can view the full list of Rising Star alumni here.

Writers festival programs at every turn!
Major writers festivals in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand have released their programs and they are stacked with spectacular events!
Melbourne Writers Festival, 8 to 12 May 2024
Auckland Writers Festival, 14 to 19 May 2024