Find a professional editor in your field or genre, or in your language, with our Editors Directory.


Do you have a listing in our “Find an Editor” directory? Would you like to access your unique URL so you can add this link to your signature block, website or LinkedIn profile?

Here are the three simple steps.

  1. Find your IPEd member code in MemNet – this consists of “M” followed by a five digit number (e.g., M00159 or M01538)
  2. Add your member code to the end of this URL:
  3. Voila! You now have your unique URL. In the above examples, the URLs would be:


For the uninitiated: What is the “Find an editor” directory?

The Institute of Professional Editors’ Editors Directory, also known as the “Find an Editor” directory, is a searchable listing of IPEd Professional and Honorary Life Members (HLM) who have paid to have their credentials listed and available to the public. Only our members who belong to the “professional membership” category or are HLMs can advertise their services and experience here.

So if you’re looking for a professional editor or want to refer clients to an editor, look no further than the IPEd Editors Directory!

The editors listed in the directory provide professional editing services in a range of fields. Contact details are provided in each listing.

If you’re a client (or potential client), we suggest provide specific information for your project when you are requesting a quote. Why? There are different types of editing services available, so please be clear with your requirements before you contact an editor, as this will save a lot of time for both you and the editor. We also suggest you read the fair rates of pay for professional editors.

A guide to searching is available on the front page of the Editors Directory.