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June 2021 Editors NSW

From the committee by Paul Anderson and Dr Robert Rowe The EdNSW branch committee met on 11 May for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with two apologies. Reports received included the branch’s financial report for March 2021, budget commentary, meeting schedule and...
HLM profile: Karen Disney

HLM profile: Karen Disney

Karen Disney DE HLM profile: Karen Disney DE In this issue, we profile Honorary Life Member (HLM) Karen Disney DE. When and why did you join IPEd?In 1988 I joined a group of Adelaide editors, led by Loma Snooks (6th edn Style manual) and the late Jenny Walker, looking...

June 2021 Editors QLD

President’s report   by Christine Atkinson It’s suddenly quite chilly in south-east Queensland, which is a good reminder that our winter Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) is only a few-and-a-bit weeks away. (Awkward segue?) EdsQ, and all branches in Australia and New...
June 2021 IPEd Newsletter

June 2021 IPEd Newsletter

June 2021Vol. 2 No. 5 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Feature Article Rosie Award shortlist announcedIPEd is pleased to announce the shortlist for the Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award, IPEd’s award for editorial excellence.Read more IPEd News Profile: Dr Linda Nix AEIn this issue...

Cryptic crossword No. 7

by Mark Taylor ACROSS 8. Bishop’s office going back over rent list (provisional) to find letters from Paul, say (8)9, 15.  E-proofer, replacing folio with page, edited news item insert, helps to pick up whoopsies (6,7)10. River Goddess (4)11. Sake drunk during quake,...