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Event report: Neurodivergent editors’ meet-up

Event report: Neurodivergent editors’ meet-up

By Dr Louise Merrington AE, event host and Editors NSW Accreditation Board delegate Editors NSW was very excited to host IPEd’s first-ever neurodivergent editors’ meet-up on Tuesday 19 March 2024. We had 20 editors attend on Zoom from all around Australia and New...
April 2024 Editors Aotearoa New Zealand

April 2024 Editors Aotearoa New Zealand

President’s report By Deborah Shaw AE Kia ora, This is a month of thank yous, but first, I’m pleased to welcome Juanita Nieuwoudt to the committee as our new secretary. Welcome, Juanita! From Juanita: “I’m a copyeditor and proofreader based in...
April 2024 Editors NSW

April 2024 Editors NSW

From the committee by Camilla Cripps The Editors NSW committee held their monthly meeting on 12 March 2024, with 11 attendees. The committee thanks Julie Ganner AE and Dr Kai Jensen AE for their efficient shared chairing of the meeting over Zoom. Minutes of the...
April 2024 Editors Victoria

April 2024 Editors Victoria

President’s report By Margaret Trudgeon I hope everyone managed to get a bit of a break from work and other duties over Easter. March was a pretty active month for the branch. We started off with a trip to the theatre to see The Dictionary of Lost Words when 10 EdVic...
March 2024 IPEd newsletter

March 2024 IPEd newsletter

March 2024Vol. 5 No. 2 | ISSN: 2652-5836 This month we have two very exciting announcements.  The 3rd edition of the IPEd standards for editing practice will be published on Thursday 21 March. The IPEd Standards Working Party has gone through a thorough and...