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June 2023 EdVic

From the president By Margaret Trudgeon AE ( It’s been a busy month for editors, with the IPEd conference taking place early in May. At the end of the first official day of the conference Editors Victoria held a get-together at...

June 2023 EdTas

From the committee On the evening of Wednesday 3 May, Editors Tasmania held its conference dinner at the historic Crescent Hotel, North Hobart, with a company of seven. We enjoyed wholesome meals and lively conversation about the conference so far, which some of us...

June 2023 EdANZ

From the committee Kia ora, Just a short and sweet update this month! We’ve had a new Associate Member join us: Madeleine Booth-Smits. Welcome, Madelaide! Our Canterbury members had a lovely branch dinner at the 11th IPEd Editors...
Event report: Adelaide Writers Week

Event report: Adelaide Writers Week

By Kerrie Le Lievre, EdSA events coordinator Adelaide Writers Week, the annual week-long festival of literature held in the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Gardens as part of the Adelaide Festival, is a March institution, and so is the EdSA Writers Week breakfast. On...