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May 2024 IPEd newsletter

May 2024 IPEd newsletter

May 2024Vol. 5 No. 4 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Welcome to the May issue of Gatherings! Before we dive into this issue, here are some important updates. Our inaugural student membership drive launched last week. We have some fantastic offers for all new and renewing student...
May 2024 Editors Victoria

May 2024 Editors Victoria

President’s report by Margaret Trudgeon AE This is a busy time of year for many editors, and I’ve been working away at proofing some educational books in readiness for their June deadlines. When I get the chance I’ve been enjoying sitting out in the...
May 2024 Editors NSW

May 2024 Editors NSW

From the committee by Camilla Cripps The Editors NSW committee held its monthly meeting over Zoom on Tuesday 9 April 2024, with 9 attendees. The committee thanks Russell Noakes, our budget officer, for chairing the meeting in the absence of Branch President Julie...
May 2024 Editors South Australia

May 2024 Editors South Australia

From the committee We ran a South Australian member survey in October and November last year where we asked: – What do you want from your membership? – What topics do you want to learn about or skills you want to develop? – Would you be interested in...
May 2024 Editors Aotearoa New Zealand

May 2024 Editors Aotearoa New Zealand

President’s report By Deborah Shaw AE Kia ora, I hope you’ll be able to join us to hear Karen Workman from Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) talk about copyright for editors. Karen is a wonderful speaker and so knowledgeable about what can be a tricky...