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September 2022 EdVic

From the president By Stephanie Holt AE ( One of IPEd’s most important roles is to administer the accreditation scheme for editors. Last month 22 members sat the accreditation exam in Melbourne, and I hope all felt confident that it...
IPEd professional development pricing structure

IPEd professional development pricing structure

For historical reasons, IPEd’s professional development prices and presenter payments have varied, sometimes considerably, across branches and types of PD. The IPEd Board, Branch Presidents and the Standing Committee for Professional Development (SCPD) have therefore...
Exam day is over – thanks to all involved

Exam day is over – thanks to all involved

By the IPEd Accreditation Board On Monday 22 August, a total of 60 candidates sat the 2022 IPEd accreditation exam, capably supervised by a total of 25 invigilators in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Venues in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth...
CEO’s message

CEO’s message

Call for conference papers Calling workshop presenters and speakers! We’ve extended the deadline for our call for papers to the 2023 IPEd Editing Conference. If you have a workshop or a presentation about the challenges and opportunities facing the editing profession,...