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August 2022 IPEd newsletter

August 2022 IPEd newsletter

August 2022 Vol. 3 No. 7 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Feature article Nominate an outstanding editor for our awards Do you know of a professional editor who deserves recognition for their achievements? Nominations are now open for the Janet Mackenzie Medal and Rosanne Fitzgibbon...

August 2022 EdVic

From the president By Stephanie Holt AE ( On 15 July, 37 Victorian members gathered on Zoom for our Annual Branch Meeting (ABM), including over 20 Voting Members, which gave us the necessary quorum. It was great to see so many there....

August 2022 EdNSW

From the committee By Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The EdNSW committee met on 12 July for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with three apologies. Minutes of the June committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings reviewed. Written reports received...

August 2022 EdANZ

From the committee By Joan Gladwyn We hope you are keeping safe and warm. The year is passing quickly and the committee is already making plans for the Annual Branch Meeting (ABM), which will take place on Tuesday 18 October. Some committee members are stepping down,...