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Event report: Crafting raw memoirs

Speaker Jacki Ferro started by discussing what is and isn’t a memoir and pointed out that a memoir is about both the outcome – the memories and learnings of a person – and the process – how the person shares their most intimate memories and experiences. A reader of a...

May 2022 EdWA

Meet our new committee members   Laurie Bradford – events Some background on your career path — what led you to editing? I was frequently on “proofreading duty” in high school, so when I started my studies at Curtin University I was intrigued by the editing...

May 2022 EdSA

From the committee We’re building some momentum as we go further into the new year. We’re also looking forward to a couple of sessions that we’ve been planning for a while. On 28 April, we enjoyed a session with Dr Patrick Allington, a South Australian novelist and...

May 2022 EdANZ

From the president Tēnā koutou katoa,   This is my farewell president’s column, written just before I stood down from the position on the EdANZ committee, a role I have been honoured to hold for nearly three years. I had hoped to continue until the next annual...

May 2022 EdVic

From the president Welcome to May 2022, a month of manic political campaigning. Campaigns are often good fodder for honing editorial skills like fact-checking and clear communication, but often not so good for maintaining decorum and mental wellbeing. But putting that...