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Summer books and reading

by Stephanie Holt AE Discover the writing of EdVic members. If you’re looking for summer reading or gift ideas, consider the following recent books, written by some of our multi-talented Victorian editors.  For lovers of contemporary fiction, Lyn Yeowart’s The silent...

Workshop: Editing memoir

by Paul Anderson EdNSW hosted an online workshop, Editing memoir: Their life in your hands, presented by Pamela Hewitt in two sessions, on 16 and 23 October 2021, over six hours. Session one Memoir has three related, confessional elements: universality, originality...
A seasonal wishlist

A seasonal wishlist

by Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE Dear Santa: Please can I have a big pack of “normal” for Christmas? Do you feel like that? Breathing a big sigh of relief that we’ve come through a couple of years of lockdowns, terrible illnesses and many deaths through COVID-19, and...