1 April 2021 | April 2021, Editors Tas
From the President Tasmania has two new accredited editors: Melita Eagling AE and Dr Eve White AE. Eve’s profile follows; Melita’s will be in the May issue of Gatherings. Following our March visit to NewPrint, on 22 April we will have a panel with two perspectives on...
1 April 2021 | April 2021
CEO’s message The Australian Society of Authors (ASA) and IPEd have collaborated to develop a joint sample letter of agreement between an editor and an author. The agreement is provided as a guide that editors and authors can adapt for their circumstances, adding...
1 April 2021 | April 2021, Editors SA
Upcoming event We have a Coffee and Conversation event coming up on 17 April at 2pm at Sfizio Cucina e Caffé, 89 The Parade, Norwood SA, where you can join fellow Editors SA members for afternoon tea or late lunch. This relaxed social event offers the opportunity for...
1 April 2021 | April 2021, Editors ANZ
What do you want from your membership? by Caroline Simpson AE Kia ora What do you want from your membership and your branch? That’s what we want to know. We are contacting all our branch members during March and April to hear what you have to say. Branch committee...
1 April 2021 | April 2021
Advanced Word workshops by Paul Anderson and Sara Kitaoji AE The Editors NSW branch ran two online workshops on Advanced Microsoft Word for Editors in February, presented by Denise Tsagaris via Zoom. The Windows course was held on 4 and 6 February; the Mac course on...
1 April 2021 | April 2021
How are editors perceived? by Josephine Brown Many people have a negative mindset about certain occupations. What’s your first thought when you hear: used-car salesperson journalist barrister tattoo artist politician? Forget soppy nonsense like, ‘My editor made me the...