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April 2022 EdANZ

From the president Tēnā koutou katoa, Last month I talked about what was happening behind the scenes for the branch. What I didn’t cover is that IPEd Accreditation Board members (including our delegate, Helen Bradford) are busily bringing together all the elements of...
April 2022 IPEd newsletter

April 2022 IPEd newsletter

April 2022Vol. 3 No. 3 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Feature article Deep dive with editor Jacqueline Blanchard: on structural editing “For me, the editorial process is like having a long conversation with someone. A conversation that starts with the first read and ends...

April 2022 EdWA

New members We are pleased to welcome the following new members to Editors WA:  Associates  – Jane Mummery and Michelle Smith Students – Lindie Naude We welcome you to the branch and look forward to meeting you all at our events and workshops. If you have questions or...

April 2022 EdTas

From the president The EdTas committee has seen some changes in the past couple of months. Elizabeth Spiegel’s retirement from the committee created a vacancy for the position of president, which I agreed to take on. Elizabeth was instrumental in making the 2021 IPEd...

April 2022 EdVic

From the president Well, things are really getting busy for our Victorian members!  In March, 10 members gathered for an outdoor lunch at the Fitz Café, blessed by some glorious autumn sunshine. It was a mix of stalwarts from the freelancers’ lunches of old,...