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December 2020 Editors VIC

President’s report by Stephanie Holt AE Phew! We’ve made it (almost) to the end of the year. I hope you’ve all been able to enjoy easing of restrictions, catching up with loved ones, and reconnecting with colleagues and clients. A recent message from one of our...

December 2020 Editors NSW

From the committee by Paul Anderson and Robert Rowe The Editors NSW branch committee met on 10 November 2020 for its monthly meeting, via Zoom, with two apologies. Minutes of the October committee meeting were accepted with no new changes and the actions from previous...
Welcome to IPEd’s Conference Director

Welcome to IPEd’s Conference Director

Welcome to IPEd’s Conference Director And welcome to the December issue of Gatherings. The feature article this month is about our new Conference Director, Tania Goodacre. Welcome Tania. We look forward to working with you as the June 2021 conference, Editing on the...
Accreditation renewals due in 2021

Accreditation renewals due in 2021

Review portfolios before renewals The Accreditation Board reminds the following AEs that their accreditation status will be due for renewal in 2021: AEs who first passed the exam in 2011 and renewed in 2016 (the 2011 cohort) AEs who first passed the exam in 2016 (the...

December 2020 Editors WA

Update from the President Can you believe we’re nearing the end of 2020 already? By the time you read this, we’ll have had our last event for the year and our committee will join all of you in the madness of the pre-holiday rush. As we move into summer, rest assured...

Can hashtags be considered words?

Scratch your head on hashtags Linguists and grammarians alike have been left scratching their heads when trying to define what a hashtag actually is. Senior Lecturer in Linguistics Andreea Calude and PhD student David Trye, from the University of Waikato, have...