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May 2021 Editors Aotearoa NZ

Next steps for membership survey by Caroline Simpson, AE Kia ora By the time you read this, many of you will have been contacted by one of our committee members to talk about what you want from your membership and where you would like the committee to put its energy...

April 2021 Editors Aotearoa NZ

What do you want from your membership? by Caroline Simpson AE Kia ora What do you want from your membership and your branch? That’s what we want to know. We are contacting all our branch members during March and April to hear what you have to say.  Branch committee...

March 2021 Editors Aotearoa NZ

EdANZ welcomes everyone to 2021 by Caroline Simpson Kia ora It’s the last month of summer but we know more hot weather will come. As I work from home,  this is one of the two seasons of the year when I sometimes wish I worked in an office. I secretly long for the air...

February 2021 Editors Aotearoa NZ

EdANZ welcomes everyone to 2021 by Caroline Simpson Kia ora, Welcome to 2021. New year’s resolutions are out and intentions are in. Have you set your business or professional intentions for the year? You won’t find any resolutions here. Instead, we intend to provide...

December 2020 Editors Aotearoa NZ

EdANZ summarises exceptional PD opportunities by Caroline Simpson Kia ora, Do you have mixed feelings about it nearly being the end of the year? I do. It’s the year when the usual feast and famine of the freelance editor has swung to further extremes. It’s the year...

November 2020 Editors Aotearoa NZ

EdANZ summarises exceptional PD opportunities by Caroline Simpson Kia ora, At our last committee meeting I got really excited. This is not a sentence you would normally see someone write about committee meetings, is it? We were talking about the coming professional...