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September 2020 Editors TAS

President invites your help Editors Tasmania held its Annual Branch Meeting via Zoom on 26 August 2020. All members of the 2019–20 branch committee will continue to serve for another year. Your committee is: Elizabeth Spiegel Liz Charpleix Sheelagh Wegman Alex...

August 2020 Editors TAS

From the President Our August event is our Branch General Meeting. This is an opportunity for you to quiz the branch committee on what we’ve been doing for the past year and perhaps tell us what you think we should be doing instead. It’s also a formal opportunity for...

July 2020 Editors TAS

From the committee Every June for the last several years, members of Editors Tasmania have celebrated the longest night of the year with an informal gathering to chat about books: those we’ve read, those we’ve edited, those that have particularly entranced or annoyed...

June 2020 Editors TAS

From the president Another month of staying at home, learning new ways of working or just tweaking old ways. Late last year, IPEd branch presidents were discussing how we could better share professional development resources between branches, particularly for the...

May 2020 Editors TAS

From the president We are living through strange times, but the need for clear communication—and editors—has never been more critical. I hope you and those near and dear to you are all staying well. While we are yet to finalise details for our next Tasmanian event, I...

April 2020 Editors TAS

From the president by Elizabeth Spiegel Earlier this year, your committee had a busy program of events planned – a talk in March, a visit to a printer in April, a copyediting workshop in May. Then COVID-19 hit, and we (like everyone else) were thrown into disarray. I...