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February 2021 Editors Aotearoa NZ

EdANZ welcomes everyone to 2021 by Caroline Simpson Kia ora, Welcome to 2021. New year’s resolutions are out and intentions are in. Have you set your business or professional intentions for the year? You won’t find any resolutions here. Instead, we intend to provide...

The grammatical metaphor

Why is the grammatical metaphor so important? The grammatical metaphor is being praised as the unsung hero of academic writing. Vinh To, Lecturer in English Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of Tasmania, details four reasons why the grammatical metaphor is...
AE renewal reminder

AE renewal reminder

AE renewal reminder The Accreditation Board reminds those AEs who are due to renew their accreditation this year to start getting their information ready for application. Renewing in 2021 are AEs who gained accreditation: in 2011 and renewed their accreditation in...

February 2021 Editors WA

Update from the President Happy new year from everyone on the Editors WA Committee. As we step into 2021, we’re working hard to pull together a full year of events and professional development opportunities for everyone. This year we hope to reintroduce regular member...
SMSG is now a standing committee

SMSG is now a standing committee

SMSG is now a standing committee IPEd’s Style Manual Steering Group (SMSG) is set to take on an ongoing role as the Style Manual Standing Committee (SMSC). With the Australian Government’s digital Style Manual now publicly available to all, the SMSG’s specific purpose...
CEO’s message

CEO’s message

CEO’s message Dear members Welcome back to work and 2021. We hope you enjoyed your break and have returned feeling refreshed and re-energised. What an interesting start to the year we’ve had already as various states went back into lockdown and border closures were...