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Talking about genre editing at GenreCon

Talking about genre editing at GenreCon

  Editors WA President Jess Gately will join fellow IPEd editors Kerry Davies and Sally Asnicar on a digital panel at GenreCon. The event, titled “What Do Editors Do?”, focuses on how editors can benefit writers and readers, while also talking about the specific...
Mentoring Program

Mentoring Program

Happy New Mentoring Year Our priority for this year is recruiting more mentors. To help you decide about joining the team, here are some tips from our own program and others around the world. We’ll be following up with workshops specially for prospective mentors...

Cryptic crossword No. 13

by Mark Taylor ACROSS 1.   In Old Kingdom, marinade first and season … (6) 4.   … tender loin, half cut with French wine: good! (6) 9.   Demand to be included in sisterhood (6) 10.   Extravagant girth, bulging we hear! (8) 11.   Cold cash needed to get this 1A...

February 2022 EdsQ

From the President The past couple of years have been weird, to say the least. From a language perspective it’s been an interesting time. I didn’t expect PPE to become a common term and phrases like viral load and herd immunity to no longer require explanation. We’re...