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Conference update June 2021

Conference update June 2021

Conference update We hope you are as excited as we are about the upcoming conference. In case you’ve missed the news, IPEd’s 10th Editors Conference Editing on the edges will be presented by EdTas in late June 2021. Monday 27 June will provide excellent professional...

June 2021 Editors Aotearoa NZ

Welcoming instructions welcomed by Caroline Simpson AE Kia ora If you came along to the Working with trade publishers event you may have noticed I didn’t say a mihi or a pepeha. It’s the first time for a while on Zoom events that I have just used a simple greeting —...
Rosie Award shortlist announced

Rosie Award shortlist announced

Rosanne Fitzgibbon Rosie Award shortlist announced by Carol Goudie IPEd is pleased to announce the shortlist for the Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award, IPEd’s award for editorial excellence. The award, known as the Rosie, rewards editorial excellence with a cash...
Accreditation Board news

Accreditation Board news

Accreditation Board news Next accreditation exam As part of an IPEd plenary held before the 2021 conference, the Accreditation Board will announce the date of the next accreditation exam. The Accreditation Board suggests all those thinking of sitting this exam to...
CEO’s message June 2021

CEO’s message June 2021

CEO’s message At the Brisbane Writers Festival (BWF), I was pleased to co-present the Author-Editor Showcase session. It featured editor Anne-Marie Te Whiu, author Grace Lucas-Pennington and session chair and author Ashley Hay. The panel discussed the unique, complex...

June 2021 Editors SA

Welcome to our new member A warm welcome to EdSA’s new Associate member Lara Barlage. We hope you enjoy being part of EdSA and take advantage of IPEd’s networks. We look forward to seeing you at our workshops and other events throughout the year. Familiarise yourself...