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Why I belong to IPEd

Why I belong to IPEd

Why I belong to IPEd by Marja Stack AE Last week, I renewed my IPEd membership. As membership fees need to be budgeted for, I thought it would be a good exercise to write down all the reasons I continue to roll over my membership. According to its website, IPEd...


Postscript by Elisabeth Thomas Also at the EdNSW trivia event (thank you again to all who attended and to those who worked hard to make it all happen), we ran the second iteration of a fun poll. Thanks go to EdSA — that kicked off what will, hopefully, become a...

May 2021 Editors VIC

From the President It’s been another busy month for EdVic, with a range of meetings and events in April from learning PDF markup to hearing the inside stories of cookbook production and discussing fiction editing. You can also read reports below from our March speaker...

May 2021 Editors SA

EdSA coffee catch-up by Mike Lim Ten EdSA members and friends enjoyed a leisurely afternoon of socialising on Saturday 17 April at Norwood’s Sfizio Cucina. It was a great chance to reconnect, meet new people and chat about our work, interests and life in general. The...

Writers, learn how to work with AI

Writers need to learn how to work with AI, not against it Artificial intelligence (AI) writers are rapidly producing more of the content we read online, with little help needed from humans. Lucinda McKnight, a Senior Lecturer from Deakin University, argues for the...

Profile: Dr Gail Wilson

Profile: Dr Gail Wilson This issue of Gatherings profiles Standing Committee on Awards and Prizes (SCAP) Chair Dr Gail Wilson. When and why did you join IPEd?I joined IPEd in 2019 as an Associate Member when I started my studies in editing and electronic publishing at...