1 May 2021 | Gatherings, May 2021
May 2021Vol. 2 No. 4 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Feature Article Ted Briggs awarded the MackenzieAnd the Janet Mackenzie Medal 2021 winner is …IPEd is proud to announce that the winner of the 2021 Janet Mackenzie Medal (the Mackenzie) is Edwin (Ted) Briggs AE.Read more IPEd...
1 May 2021 | Editors Tas, May 2021
Perspectives on self-publishing On 22 April, a select group of members gathered — in person — to hear different perspectives on the editor’s role in self-publishing. Sheelagh Wegman AE offered numerous examples of clients she had guided through the publishing process,...
1 May 2021 | Editors NSW, May 2021
From the committee by Paul Anderson and Dr Robert Rowe The EdNSW branch committee met on 13 April for its monthly meeting, via Zoom, with four apologies. Reports received included the branch’s financial report for February 2021, budget commentary and membership. The...