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May 2023 IPEd newsletter

May 2023 IPEd newsletter

May 2023Vol. 4 No. 4 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Feature article And the Janet Mackenzie Medal 2023 winner is … You might recognise her from the photo. She has more than 40 years of professional experience as an editor and journalist. Her contribution to the Pay and Conditions...

May 2023 EdVic

From the president By Margaret Trudgeon AE ( A few days before the Easter break, Editors Victoria held a networking lunch at Arcadia Cafe in Fitzroy. I caught up with 14 enthusiastic editors, ranging from students to seasoned...
Update on the Standards revision

Update on the Standards revision

​By Sharon Lierse, Chair, IPEd Standards Working Party (ISWP) The ISWP is nearing the final stages of the Standards review. We have been meeting weekly to discuss the content in detail and respond to feedback from specialist external reviewers. Once we have completed...