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Join the IPEd AI working party

Join the IPEd AI working party

The Institute of Professional Editors Ltd (IPEd) seeks to convene a working party on AI (artificial intelligence, including large language models) and its impact on the editing profession, and on the skills and knowledge required of editors. The working party will...
Why be an exam invigilator?

Why be an exam invigilator?

From the Accreditation Board If you’re an Accredited Editor (AE), you probably remember the stress and workload leading up to, and including, the accreditation exam. What you may not remember is how the exam was run and who invigilated it, making it a seamless...
Event report: Neurodivergent editors’ meet-up

Event report: Neurodivergent editors’ meet-up

By Dr Louise Merrington AE, event host and Editors NSW Accreditation Board delegate Editors NSW was very excited to host IPEd’s first-ever neurodivergent editors’ meet-up on Tuesday 19 March 2024. We had 20 editors attend on Zoom from all around Australia and New...