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Cryptic crossword no. 22

By Mark Taylor   Across 1 In ‘Shook-up Shop’, Tim found a place to pogo (4,3) 5 Bronco bucking after cowboy’s first American pipe (7) 9 Characters from the Lower Urals are rustic (5) 10 Fleeting ecstasy, acid score altering real around the edge...

Cryptic crossword no. 22 solution

By Mark Taylor Solutions Across: 1 Mosh pit, 5 Corncob, 9 Rural, 10 Ephemeral, 11 Lovemakers, 12 Isis, 14 Serendipity, 18 Translucent, 21 Hike, 22 Adulterate, 25 Bric-a-brac, 26 Niger, 27 Rosehip, 28 Satisfy.  Down: 1 Marble, 2 Shrive, 3 Palimpsest, 4 Tweak,...