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CEOʼs message

CEOʼs message

11th IPEd Editors Conference – thank you A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the 11th IPEd Editors Conference a success. Thank you to the conference committee, our volunteers and all who attended. We appreciate attendees for your receptiveness, high levels...

June 2023 EdNSW

From the committee By Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The Editors New South Wales committee met on 11 April for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with one apology. Minutes of the March committee meeting were accepted with amendments and actions from previous meetings...

June 2023 EdsQ

From the president Conference dinners IPEd members in Editors Queensland managed to hold three conference dinners: one in the Sunshine Coast, one in Toowoomba and one in Brisbane. In Brisbane, it was lovely to see some new faces and make new connections. Would you...

June 2023 EdVic

From the president By Margaret Trudgeon AE ( It’s been a busy month for editors, with the IPEd conference taking place early in May. At the end of the first official day of the conference Editors Victoria held a get-together at...

June 2023 EdTas

From the committee On the evening of Wednesday 3 May, Editors Tasmania held its conference dinner at the historic Crescent Hotel, North Hobart, with a company of seven. We enjoyed wholesome meals and lively conversation about the conference so far, which some of us...

June 2023 EdANZ

From the committee Kia ora, Just a short and sweet update this month! We’ve had a new Associate Member join us: Madeleine Booth-Smits. Welcome, Madelaide! Our Canterbury members had a lovely branch dinner at the 11th IPEd Editors...