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November 2023 EdVic

President’s report October 2023 By Margaret Trudgeon AE As the year speeds towards the finish line, the committee has been busy planning a few final events and PD, as well as addressing a couple of changes to the committee line-up.  I was very excited to introduce our...

November 2023 EdsQ

From the EdsQ Committee Events In our last online speaker meeting on 4 October, presenter Kirsty Ogden encouraged us to reach out to professionals in related fields such as design to forge useful alliances. At our next meeting, on Wednesday 1 November, Renée Otmar DE...

November 2023 EdANZ

A report on the ABM Thank you to all who attended our ABM on 10 October. And thank you to Ruth Davies for giving us an update on IPEd activities. Our committee of four was confirmed. Thank you to Jane, Joan and Beverly for staying on. I’ve enjoyed working with...

November 2023 EdNSW

From the committee by Angela Damis AE, affirmed by Justine Dixon Cooper AE The EdNSW committee met on 12 September for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with two apologies. Minutes of the August committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings dealt...